San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo

Where is the mission located?   

Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo is located about 20 miles south of the city of Carmel, on Junípero Avenue. It's perched on a hillside less than a mile from the ocean at the mouth of the Carmel Valley. 



What group of Indians was living in the area?  

The Esselen Indians were living in a small village of Tamo by the Carmel area when the mission was started. There were fewer of them then there were around other missions, so there wasn't as much need for large scale farming.



When was the mission established? What order in the mission chain is it?  

Mission Carmel was established on June 3, 1770. It was the second in the mission chain, coming after Mission San Diego de Acala. 



Who was responsible for starting this mission?   

Father Junípero Serra, a franciscan missionary, started it, for the purpose of making it the head mission. He named it for St. Charles of Borreméo from Milan, Italy.



Has the mission moved from its original location?    

Yes. One year after having built it in Monterey, Father Serra moved it 5 miles to the Carmel Valley across the peninsula.



What does the mission look like? Use descriptive words. Address each of the following;   

              A 'star window' above the entrance, the dome on top of a bell tower, an outside staircase leading to the bell tower, the windows high up on the walls, and the walls tapering inward to form an arched ceiling, are all part of the moorish theme Manuel Ruíz put into the plan. Also, most missions are made out of adobe, but the Carmel Mission is one of the few which are made of stone.


What materials were used to construct the mission?   

 Yellow sandstone blocks from the Santa Lucia Mountains were held together with mortar made from lime in abalone shells from the beach. It has a tile roof with a wooden ceiling painted to look like stone.



What was the main industry of the mission during the Spanish occupation?    

 Carmel was Father Serra's favorite mission, and where he stayed most of the time,  so they didn't farm because other people brought all the supplies to him. They used it mainly as a church, although they had a few cattle



What, if any, is the main industry of the mission today?  

 The mission is now a parish. It has a school, a history museum,a store, and is a big tourist attraction.                                   


What was the relationship between the Priests and the Indians?  

The Indians respected the priests, and accepted gifts from them. But, they were afraid of the soldiers and the guns.  



Is it possible to visit the mission today?  

Yes, the mission is open in Carmel, where you can go to the cemetary and see the museum.



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