San Jose

Where is the mission located?  Mission San Jose is located in present day Freemont.  It is also on the east side of San Francisco bay, and 15 miles north east of San Jose.




What group of Indians was living in the area?  The Coastanoan indians lived in this area.  The Coastonoan are part of the Ohlone tribe.




When was the mission established? What order in the mission chain is it?  Mission San Jose was established on June 11, 1797.  It was the 14th in the mission chain.




Who was responsible for starting this mission?  Father Fermín Lasuén established this mission.  He was a Franciscan missionary and was Father Junipero Serra's successor.



Has the mission moved from its original location?  No, this mission has not moved.  I think this is because it was so successful.




What does the mission look like? Use descriptive words. Address each of the


What materials were used to construct the mission?  Mission San Jose was constructed with tiles, adobe, redwood, copper, and rock.




What was the main industry of the mission during the Spanish occupation?  The main industry of the missions was to enslave the Indians and make them believe in Christianity.  The priests thought that they were doing the natives a favor, making them work all day and to change religions they already had.




What, if any, is the main industry of the mission today?  Now Mission San Jose is a museum.  There are tours and it is a great place for tourists.




What was the relationship between the Priests and the Indians?  The Priests and the Indians had a hard time getting along.  The locals were not hostile, but it was hard to get them to accept mission life.  Father Durán and Father Fortuni taught the Costonoans how to do carpendry, ropemaking, leather tanning, sewing, weaving, and shoemaking



Is it possible to visit the mission today?  Yes, you can visit this mission today.  Although, it was repaired in 1916 and 1950.





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